Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim



Assalamu ‘ala man Ittaba‘al Huda NahmaduhuwaNusalli ‘alaRasulihil Kareem

Welcome to the official website of the department of Islamic Studies. This department was established in 1921 with a goal to preach Islam and to spread Islamic education, norms and values in Bangladesh as well as in the whole world through its various activities, i.e. teaching, counseling, seminar-symposium, research etc.

The department of Islamic Studies currently hosts several programs, e.g. B.A (Hons), M.A, M.phil& Ph.D. Recently we have introduced ‘M.A (Evening) in Islamic Studies’ to expand Islamic education in the country.


This site reflects our continued efforts to the education and research in the field of Islamic ideology. On behalf of the department, I would like to welcome you and wish you success in your studies and a rewarding time at the department of Islamic Studies.

Chair Person's Message

Assalamualaikum, Welcome to the official website of the department of Islamic Studies. This department was established in 1921 with a goal to preach Islam and to spread Islamic education, norms, and values in Bangladesh as well as in the whole world through its various activities, i.e. teaching, counseling, seminar-symposium, research etc. This site reflects our continued efforts to the education and research in the field of Islamic ideology. On behalf of the department, I would like to welcome you and wish you success in your studies and a rewarding time at the department of Islamic Studies.

Prof Dr.  Md. Shamsul Alam

Chairman & Professor 

Department of Islamic Studies

Phone: +880-2-9661900

Ext 6290(O) 9666911463 (R)
